Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hey, President Obama -- that's no pound puppy

The new presidential pet is a -- drum roll please -- Portuguese water dog.
From a breeder.

After the White House's much ballyhooed 'we want a pound pet' the first family has eschewed all the Hinze 57 varieties awaiting their death sentences in shelters across the country.

I understand the Obama children have allergies to many dog types. But, I just can't believe the most powerful man in the world can trot the globe and not manage to find a single pedigree-free hypoallergenic dog sitting on death row somewhere.

Granted, maybe The Prez has a few other things on his mind currently - like saving the economy from its death knell - but surely he has people he could task with the job of finding a suitable pound puppy that is hypoallergenic.

I don't have anything against pedigreed pets. I own one. I just object to a feel good publicity campaign aimed at promoting a message that apparently wasn't on the White House agenda.

The message I got from all this was: Do as I say, not as I do.

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