Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Gasp! Tiger Woods is human

I'm part of the media and I'm tired of the media hype about Tiger Woods' car accident. Anyone over the age of 15 instinctively knew the minute the story broke that the cause of the accident was one of two things 1) Tiger fleeing a wifely argument 2) Tiger caught coming home late with the proverbial lipstick on his collar.

And 1) and 2) could both be true at the same time.

I sure didn't believe he was going out for a pack of smokes or a quarter-pounder. And, having heard tales of women who've caught cheating spouses, I guessed the golf club-welding Elin wasn't as much trying to rescue him from a car wreck as pummel him for crashing the marriage.

All that having been said, so what?

The guy plays great golf. He's rich. He's human. And stupid. And embarrassed at getting caught in such a spectacular way. He's one more cheating celebrity to line up beside of David Letterman and thousands of not-a-household-name cheaters everywhere.

Did we really need a 4-day media blitz about it?

I wish we'd covered the weapons of mass destruction issue which led our country into the Iraqi war with equal scrutiny and fervor.


  1. I agree with you about the tiger thing. but the comment about WMD is stupid. We did talk about that when the war was sliding a couple years ago and thats why we dont have a republican in the office of the president anymore. But we made up for it with electing a dumb @#! in Barrack Omama...we as americans are just a plethera of dumb decisions

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