Monday, November 2, 2009

Please. Save me some real time in the daylight

Thank God, it's over.
Daylight savings time, that is.
I hate daylight savings time with a passion usually reserved for creepy-crawly things and drunks who misdial at 3 a.m.
I guess at one time it had a purpose.... like back when children had to do chores on the farm and walk to school in their bare feet after doing said chores.
These days the bare feet are on the mother's chauffeuring their kiddies to school in a luxury minivan and the closest thing to a chore a kid does before heading to school is charging a cell phone.
So, yes, I hate the obsoleteness of DS and the insistence in hanging onto something that used to be a good idea but no longer is.
Even the government finally acknowledged that its latest effort -- expanding DS by about a month -- actually cost the country (Read that as you and me) money. We paid for more electricity because we ran our air conditioners longer at night. We turned the lights on sooner in the morning, and generally managed to burn up any supposed energy savings which we were promised by having a longer period of DS.
I think Arizona has the right idea. Arizona, that plucky state, Just Said No to daylight savings time. They've never had it. Don't want it. Know they don't need it.
So, I have to constantly ask myself when calling friends there: Is it one hour difference or two? My friends never have to remember to fall forward or backward. Their biological clocks aren't in a constant state of readjusting like mine. Their dogs don't need to be retrained twice a year on what time their little doggie world is supposed to start.
And my friends NEVER have to adjust their clocks, digital, manual, VCR, oven, microwave, car, computer or other.
Which is what I'd call saving real time in the daylight.


  1. Arizona, not usually known for it's forward thinking, definitely has the rest of the US of A beat here!

  2. Is there anything more drab than sitting in your office watching it get dark outside at 5pm? Some people actually would like to come home and do a chore or two at night. Maybe go outside and throw the ball around with your kid. I think if you're an outdoor person, you love daylights saving time. If you don't like the outdoors, you probably hate it. Daylight savings is also better for your health. A study not to long ago found that less daylight in our life causes cancer by our bodies creating less Vitamin D. If you're in an office all day and then come out and it's dark, obviously your body isn't creating the vitamin D from the sun.
